React Query Patterns

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Customizing the Defaults

  • Global configuration in new QueryClient()
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
staleTime: 5000
  • Control a subset of queries with setQueryDefaults
// set options for a subset of queries via fuzzy matching on the query keys
["todos", "detail"],
{ staleTime: 1000 }
// suppose we have the following keys
["todos", "detail1", 1] // match
["todos", "detail2", 2] // match
["todos", "list"] // not affected
  • For a specific query set the options directly in useQuery

Additionally, all options in useQuery (except for queryKey) can have a default value, even the query function.

staleTime: 5000,
queryFn: ({queryKey}) => fetchTodos(queryKey),
// can omit the query function in the following queries
function useTodos() {
return useQuery({
queryKey: ["todos"],
function useCompletedTodos() {
return useQuery({
queryKey: ["todos", "completed"],
staleTime: 1000,

Validating Query Response

queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: () => {
const response = await fetch('/todos')
const data = await response.json()
return TodoSchema.parse(data)

The benefit of using zod

  • Saves memory in the cache by stripping un-specified fields

  • Throws errors when data doesn’t match

Pre-filling with initialData

We can use initialData to pre-fill the query cache in two ways

  • pass results from server components to client components to save the first fetch
// server.tsx
async function ServerComponent() {
const data = await getData();
return <ClientComponent data={data} />;
// client.tsx
"use client"
function ClientComponent({ data }) {
const { data } = useQuery('key', fetcher, { initialData: data });
  • when a query is a subset of another query (e.g., fetching the completed todos is a subset of fetching all todos), we can use the query data from the parent query to pre-fill the child query, source
export const useTodosQuery = (state: State) =>
queryKey: ['todos', state],
queryFn: () => fetchTodos(state),
initialData: () => {
const allTodos = queryClient.getQueryData<Todos>([
const filteredData =
allTodos?.filter((todo) => todo.state === state) ?? []
return filteredData.length > 0 ? filteredData : undefined

Another example of pre-filling an id-based query

const result = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todo', todoId],
queryFn: () => fetch('/todos'),
initialData: () => {
// Use a todo from the 'todos' query as the initial data for this todo query
return queryClient.getQueryData(['todos'])?.find((d) => === todoId)

Difference Between initialData and placeholderData


initialData works on cache level, while placeholderData works on observer level.

  • caches are identified by query keys, while observers are subscriptions created by useQuery calls. Example settings that affect the cache entry are queryFn and gcTime, while settings that affect the observer are select and refetchInternal.

  • initialData is persisted to the cache. placeholderData on the other hand is never persisted to the cache. I like to see it as “fake-it-till-you-make-it” data. It’s “not real”.

  • refetch is triggered immediately regardless of presence of placeholderData, because it’s not “real”. But, if you provide initialData, react query will wait after staleTime before refetching.

Conditional initialData

Only set initial data if the data available is updated recently.

const result = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todo', todoId],
queryFn: () => fetch(`/todos/${todoId}`),
initialData: () => {
// Get the query state
const state = queryClient.getQueryState(['todos'])
// If the query exists and has data that is no older than 10 seconds...
if (state && - state.dataUpdatedAt <= 10 * 1000) {
// return the individual todo
return => === todoId)
// Otherwise, return undefined and let it fetch from a hard loading state!

Only set initial data if it’s the first page

const [page, setPage] = React.useState(0)
const { data } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todos', page],
queryFn: () => fetchTodos(page),
initialData: page === 0 ? initialDataForPageZero : undefined,
staleTime: 5 * 1000,

Seeding with Pushing or Pulling

Setting initialData is a form of seeding, this is often used when we need a query to fetch a list of items as well as queries to fetch individual items. Here are two common patterns

  • Pulling: when initialData is needed for the single item, search the item in the list, if not found, fetch it from the server
queryKey: ['todos', 'detail', id],
queryFn: () => fetchTodo(id),
initialData: () => {
return queryClient
.getQueryData(['todos', 'list'])
?.find((todo) => === id)
initialDataUpdatedAt: () =>
// ⬇️ get the last fetch time of the list
queryClient.getQueryState(['todos', 'list'])?.dataUpdatedAt,

Pulling is the recommended approach because it seeds “just in time”, the only downside is that you need an extra initialDataUpdatedAt to make sure react query respects the stale time.

  • Pushing: when the list query is resolved, seed each entry to their individual queries with queryClient.setQueryData()
const useTodos = () => {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
return useQuery({
queryKey: ['todos', 'list'],
queryFn: async () => {
const todos = await fetchTodos()
todos.forEach((todo) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(['todos', 'detail',], todo)
return todos

With pushing staleTime is automatically respected, because the seed happens at the same time as the list fetch. But this might create unnecessary cache entries and the pushed data might be garbage collected too early.



Seeding is useful when you have the exact data that is needed for future queries. When working with relational data, e.g. a feed and its comments, we don’t get the comments when you fetch the feed, but we can prefetch the comments when we fetch the feed in parallel.

function Article({ id }) {
const { data: articleData, isPending } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['article', id],
queryFn: getArticleById,
queryKey: ['article-comments', id],
queryFn: getArticleCommentsById,
// Optional optimization to avoid rerenders when this query changes:
notifyOnChangeProps: [],
// Only prefetch is the data is older than 5 years old, to disable prefetch when there is data, set staleTime: Infinity
staleTime: 5000
if (isPending) {
return 'Loading article...'
return (
<ArticleHeader articleData={articleData} />
<ArticleBody articleData={articleData} />
<Comments id={id} />
function Comments({ id }) {
// this query will be prefetched when the article query is fetched
const { data, isPending } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['article-comments', id],
queryFn: getArticleCommentsById,

Prefetching comments for an article

Another way is to prefetch inside of the query function. This makes sense if you know that every time an article is fetched it’s very likely comments will also be needed. For this, we’ll use queryClient.prefetchQuery:

const queryClient = useQueryClient()
const { data: articleData, isPending } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['article', id],
queryFn: (...args) => {
queryKey: ['article-comments', id],
queryFn: getArticleCommentsById,
return getArticleById(...args)

If the primary query is a suspense query, you should not put the prefetch query inside the same component, because that component is unmounted before the suspense query resolves, and the prefetch query will only kick off until the suspsense query resolves. You can prefetch “one level up” in the parent component.

function App() {
queryKey: ['article-comments', id],
queryFn: getArticleCommentsById,
notifyOnChangeProps: [],
return (
<Suspense fallback="Loading articles...">
<Articles />
function Articles() {
const { data: articles } = useSuspenseQuery({
queryKey: ['articles'],
queryFn: (...args) => {
return getArticles(...args)
return => (
<div key={}>
<ArticleHeader article={article} />
<ArticleBody article={article} />

Prefetch outside the suspense query

Separate Client and Server State


Use a query to pre-fill some user inputs, if the input is not touched, keep the query running, if the input is touched, stop the query and use the user input.

In the following example, input is bind to value , which can be either the draft state or the query data, as long as the user starts typing the draft state takes precedence and enabled is will be false.

const useRandomValue = () => {
const [draft, setDraft] = React.useState(undefined);
const { data, ...queryInfo } = useQuery(
async () => {
await sleep(1000);
return Promise.resolve(String(Math.random()));
enabled: typeof draft === "undefined"
return {
value: draft ?? data,
function Modal({ close }) {
const {
queryInfo: { isLoading, error }
} = useRandomValue();
return (
{isLoading && "Loading..."}
{error && "error"}
{value !== undefined && (
onChange={(event) => setDraft(}
<span style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={close}>

Data Transformations

You can use the select option to select a subset of the data that your component should subscribe to. This is useful for highly optimized data transformations or to avoid unnecessary re-renders.

export const useTodosQuery = (select) =>
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
export const useTodosCount = () =>
useTodosQuery((data) => data.length)
export const useTodo = (id) =>
useTodosQuery((data) => data.find((todo) => === id))

A component using the useTodoCount custom hook will only re-render if the length of the todos changes. It will not re-render if e.g. the name of a todo has changed.

In contrast to transforming the data directory after useTodo, which runs during every re-render or when the query data changes, the select option is a more efficient way to transform data.

export const useTodosQuery = () => {
const queryInfo = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos
return {
data: React.useMemo(
() =>,

An alternative to the select option, that only re-renders if the accessed property is changed

Error Handling

  • Use the error property returned from useQuery
const { isError } = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
if (isError) {
return <ErrorComponent />
  • Use the onError callback (on the query itself or the global QueryCache / MutationCache)
const useTodos = () =>
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
onError: (error) =>
toast.error(`Something went wrong: ${error.message}`),
  • Use Error Boundaries

Set throwOnError to true to throw an error when the query fails, which can be caught by an error boundary.

const todos = useQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
throwOnError: true,
// custom error logic
throwOnError: (error) => error.response?.status >= 500,

It’s possible to have more granular control over error handling by passing a function to throwOnError such that only when the function return true, the error will be thrown

queryKey: ['todos'],
throwOnError: (error, query) => {
// only throw if no cache exists
// fail silently if we have data in the cache
return === undefined
// global configuration
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
throwOnError: (error, query) => {
return === undefined

Pattern: handle refetch errors globally with toast messages and handle initial load errors with error boundaries

const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
throwOnError: (error, query) => {
return typeof === "undefined"
queryCache: new QueryCache({
onError: (error, query) => {
// 🎉 only show error toasts if we already have data in the cache
// which indicates a failed background update
if (typeof !== undefined) {
toast.error(`Something went wrong: ${error.message}`)

Throw error if error happens in the initial load, otherwise show a toast message

Reset Error Boundaries

Query errors can be reset with the QueryErrorResetBoundary component or with the useQueryErrorResetBoundary hook.

When using the component it will reset any query errors within the boundaries of the component:

import { QueryErrorResetBoundary } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary'
const App = () => (
{({ reset }) => (
fallbackRender={({ resetErrorBoundary }) => (
There was an error!
<Button onClick={() => resetErrorBoundary()}>Try again</Button>
<Page />

Suspense Queries

  • there is no enabled option for useSuspenseQuery, because multiple suspense queries run sequentially so the dependency is expressed by the order of the queries

  • there is no placeholderData for suspense queries, but you can simulate the same pagination example with the startTransition hook.

function App() {
<Suspense fallback={<div>loading...</div>}>
<Todos />
function Todos() {
const todos = useSuspenseQuery({
queryKey: ['todos', page],
queryFn: () => fetchTodos(page),
const [isPreviousData, startTransition] = useTransition()
return (
<ul style={{ opacity: isPreviousData ? 0.5 : 1 }}>
{ => (
<li key={}>{todo.title}</li>
onClick={() => {
startTransition(() => {
setPage((prev) => prev - 1)
onClick={() => {
startTransition(() => {
setPage((prev) => prev + 1)


  • useMutation is imperative, while useQuery is declarative. You need to call the returned mutate function yourself to trigger the mutation.

  • mutationKey is not required for useMutation and has nothing to do with query keys. Set it to the same as a query key does not revalidate that query, use queryClient.invalidateQueries instead.

  • When you need to share states of a mutation across components, set mutationKey and use useMutationState to access the state.

function App() {
const mutation = useMutation({
mutationKey: ["todos"],
mutationFn: (newTodo) => {
return'/todos', newTodo)
return (
{mutation.isPending ? (
'Adding todo...'
) : (
{mutation.isError ? (
<div>An error occurred: {mutation.error.message}</div>
) : null}
{mutation.isSuccess ? <div>Todo added!</div> : null}
onClick={() => {
mutation.mutate({ id: new Date(), title: 'Do Laundry' })
Create Todo
const data = useMutationState(
filters: { mutationKey: ['todos'] },
select: (mutation) =>,
// get the latest data from the mutation (data is an array of all data from past mutations)
const latest = data[data.length - 1]

Mutation Callbacks


Callbacks such as onSuccess, onError and onSettled can be set on useMutation as well as on mutate itself. One difference is that the callbacks on useMutation fire before the callbacks on mutate. Further, the callbacks on mutate might not fire at all if the component un-mounts before the mutation has finished.

Rule of thumbs to separate concerns between callbacks in useMutation and mutate:

  • do absolutely necessary logic (such as query invalidation) in useMutation callbacks

  • Do UI related things like redirects or showing toast notifications in mutate callbacks. If the user navigated away from the current screen before the mutation finished, those will purposefully not fire.

const useUpdateTodo = () =>
mutationFn: updateTodo,
// âś… always invalidate the todo list
onSuccess: () => {
queryKey: ['todos', 'list']
// in the component
const updateTodo = useUpdateTodo()
{ title: 'newTitle' },
// âś… only redirect if we're still on the detail page
// when the mutation finishes
{ onSuccess: () => history.push('/todos') }

Invalidation After Mutation

The simplest form of invalidation is to invalidate a single query after a mutation.

mutationFn: updateTodo,
onSuccess: () => {
queryKey: ['todos', 'list']

To make things more declarative, we can set a global onSuccess callback on MutationCache to search for a meta property in the finished mutation, if a query matches the meta property, invalidate it.

import { matchQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query'
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
mutationCache: new MutationCache({
onSuccess: (_data, _variables, _context, mutation) => {
predicate: (query) =>
// invalidate all matching tags at once
// or everything if no meta is provided
mutation.meta?.invalidates?.some((queryKey) =>
matchQuery({ queryKey }, query)
) ?? true,
// usage:
mutationFn: mutateFn,
meta: {
invalidates: [['issues'], ['labels']],
declare module '@tanstack/react-query' {
interface Register {
mutationMeta: {
invalidates?: Array<QueryKey>

Optimistic Updates


Optimistic updates can be implemented in 2 ways

  • after mutationFn is called, display variables (the input supplied to mutationFn) from useMutation or useMutationState, this is directly manipulating the UI
const addTodoMutation = useMutation({
mutationFn: (newTodo: string) =>'/api/data', { text: newTodo }),
// make sure to _return_ the Promise from the query invalidation
// so that the mutation stays in `pending` state until the refetch is finished
onSettled: async () => {
return await queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] })
const { isPending, submittedAt, variables } = addTodoMutation
return <ul>
{ => (
<li key={}>{todo.text}</li>
{isPending && <li style={{ opacity: 0.5 }} key={submittedAt}>{variables}</li>}

Because we are awaiting invalidateQueries, isPending will only be false when the invalidation is finished. So when the opacity item is removed, we will see the most up-to-date data.

This approach can be problematic we if you click on multiple checkboxes in a row, there is a going to be a gap between the several invalidateQueries. For example, if the second todo we clicked on is originally checked, it is now unchecked, if the first invalidation finishes now, it will try to update the second todo to be checked again, because that’s what the server state is now. It will fix itself after the last mutation has succeeded and the queries have been invalidated, but it’s not a great experience for the user.

The root of this problem is that we are only not changing the cache until the mutation is finished. We can fix this by updating the cache immediately after the mutation is called, and then revert the cache if the mutation fails.

  • Second method: use the onMutate callback to manipulate the cache, the gist is that we setQueryData with the new data, and if the mutation fails, we revert the cache to the previous state. The value returned by onMutate can be accessed via the context argument in onError and onSettled.
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
mutationFn: updateTodo,
// When mutate is called:
onMutate: async (newTodo) => {
// Cancel any outgoing refetches
// (so they don't overwrite our optimistic update)
await queryClient.cancelQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] })
// Snapshot the previous value
const previousTodos = queryClient.getQueryData(['todos'])
// Optimistically update to the new value
queryClient.setQueryData(['todos'], (old) => [...old, newTodo])
// Return a context object with the snapshotted value
return { previousTodos }
// If the mutation fails,
// use the context returned from onMutate to roll back
onError: (err, newTodo, context) => {
queryClient.setQueryData(['todos'], context.previousTodos)
// Always refetch after error or success:
onSettled: () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] })

You can also return a function from onMutate to serve as a rollback

onMutate: () => {
// ... do the optimistic update
const snapshot = queryClient.getQueryData(["todos"])
return () => {
queryClient.setQueryData(["todos"], snapshot)
onError: (error, variables, rollback) => {

Query and Mutation Cancellation

Queries can be canceled manually with queryClient.cancelQueries({queryKey}).

As an alternative, if your queryFn understands the signal from AbortController, queryFn are given a signal parameter, which comes from an AbortController object react query creates under the hood. Imagine you are making queries based on a search input, it is helpful to cancel previous queries except for the latest one.

queryKey: ['todos', search],
queryFn: async ({ signal }) => {
const response = await fetch(`/todos?search=${search}`, { signal })
using the signal from queryContext to cancel ongoing requests
return response.json()

Cancellation does not work when working with Suspense hooks: useSuspenseQuery, useSuspenseQueries and useSuspenseInfiniteQuery.

Typed Query Options

While the useQuery generic is automatically typed by queryFn, methods such as queryClient.getQueryData({ queryKey }) does not have access to the query function type. To solve this, we can co-locate the queryKey and queryFn using the queryOptions helper and use it in both useQuery and getQueryData.

import { queryOptions } from '@tanstack/react-query'
const fetchGroups = (): Promise<Group[]> =>
axios.get('/groups').then((response) =>
function groupOptions() {
return queryOptions({
queryKey: ['groups'],
queryFn: fetchGroups,
staleTime: 5 * 1000,
const data = queryClient.getQueryData(groupOptions().queryKey)
// ^? const data: Group[] | undefined

Parallel Queries

Multiple useQuery observers are already running in parallel by default.

queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
queryKey: ['users'],
queryFn: fetchUsers,

two queries running in parallel

But there are cases where the queries are dynamic and can’t be laid out statically. In such cases, we can use useQueries to dynamically generate multiple query options object:

function App({ users }) {
const userQueries = useQueries({
queries: => {
return {
queryKey: ['user',],
queryFn: () => fetchUserById(,

The return value of useQueries is an array of individual useQuery results, and you can process the array however you want.

const areAnyPending = userQueries.some(
query => query.status === 'pending'

If queries in useQueries is an empty array, it won’t do anything. This is useful to implement dependent queries similar to the enabled option.

In the following example, we fetch a list of repos and then fetch the issues for each repo. We use useQueries to dynamically generate the issue queries.

function useRepos() {
return useQuery({
queryKey: ['repos'],
queryFn: fetchRepos
function useIssues(repos) {
return useQueries({
queries: repos?.map((repo) => ({
queryKey: ['repos',, 'issues'],
queryFn: async () => {
const issues = await fetchIssues(
return { repo:, issues }
})) ?? []
// component.tsx
function App() {
const repos = useRepos()
const issues = useIssues(
return {
repos.isSuccess ?
{ => {
const repoIssues = issues.find(
query => ===
const length = repoIssues?.data.issues.length
return (
<li key={}>
? ` (${length === 30 ? "30+" : length} issues)`
: null
: null}

An alternative to dynamic useQueries is creating a separate component for each item and use useQuery inside it. A downside of this approach is that it’s hard to derive values based on all the queries, e.g. to get the total number of issues. If we are using useQueries, we can just loop through the queries array.

const repos = useRepos()
const issues = useIssues(
const totalIssues = issues
.map(({ data }) => data?.issues.length ?? 0)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)

useQueries provides a combine argument for this use case, what is returned from combine will be the result of the useQueries hook.

function useIssues(repos) {
return useQueries({
queries: repos?.map((repo) => ({
queryKey: ['repos',, 'issues'],
queryFn: async () => {
const issues = await fetchIssues(
return { repo:, issues }
})) ?? [],
combine: (issues) => {
const totalIssues = issues
.map(({ data }) => data?.issues.length ?? 0)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
return { issues, totalIssues }
const { issues, totalIssues } = useIssues(

combine is useful even when you don’t need to derive an aggregation. You can simply use it to reshape the return values so it fits your component’s needs.

function useRepoAndIssues({name}) {
return useQueries({
queries: [
queryKey: ['repos', name],
queryFn: async () => fetchRepo(name),
queryKey: ['repos', name, 'issues'],
queryFn: async () => fetchIssues(name),
combine: (results) => {
const isPending = results.some((query) => query.status === 'pending')
const isError = results.some((query) => query.status === 'error')
return {
repo: results[0].data,
issues: results[1].data,
const { repo, issues, isPending, isError } = useRepoAndIssues({ name })


  • use placeholderData: keepPreviousData to prevent loading spinners when the page changes

  • use isPlaceholderData to provide loading feedback and disable pagination buttons

  • set up an useEffect to prefetch the data for the next page whenever page changes

function useRepos(sort, page) {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
React.useEffect(() => {
queryClient.prefetchQuery(getReposQueryOptions(sort, page + 1))
}, [sort, page, queryClient])
return useQuery({
...getReposQueryOptions(sort, page),
placeholderData: (previousData) => previousData
function RepoList({ sort, page, setPage }) {
const { data, status, isPlaceholderData } = useRepos(sort, page)
if (status === 'pending') {
return <div>...</div>
if (status === 'error') {
return <div>There was an error fetching the repos.</div>
return (
// !mark(1:1)
<ul style={{ opacity: isPlaceholderData ? 0.5 : 1 }}>
{ =>
<li key={}>{repo.full_name}</li>
onClick={() => setPage((p) => p - 1)}
disabled={isPlaceholderData || page === 1}
<span>Page {page}</span>
disabled={isPlaceholderData || data?.length < PAGE_SIZE}
onClick={() => setPage((p) => p + 1)}

Infinite Queries

getProjects is a mock api that returns an object

// nextId and previousId are cursors to fetch the next and previous page
{data, nextId, previousId}


import { useProjects } from "lib/features/project/queries";
import { useEffect } from "react";
const fetchProjects = async (cursor: number) => {
await delay(1000);
return await getProjects(cursor);
export default function Infinite() {
const { data, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage, hasNextPage, isLoading } = useInfiniteQuery({
queryKey: projectKeys.list(),
queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchProjects(pageParam),
initialPageParam: 0,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => lastPage.nextId,
getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage) => firstPage.previousId,
const shouldFetch = !isFetchingNextPage && hasNextPage;
useEffect(() => {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
if (entries.some((entry) => entry.isIntersecting) && shouldFetch) {
const trigger = document.getElementById("fetch-trigger");
if (trigger) {
return () => {
if (trigger) {
}, [fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage, shouldFetch]);
return (
{isLoading ? <div>Loading initial data</div> : null}
.flatMap((p) =>
.map((project) => (
className="flex items-center border justify-center h-[50vh]"
// !mark(1:1)
<div id="fetch-trigger" />
{isFetchingNextPage ? <div>Loading next page...</div> : null}
{data && !hasNextPage ? <div>No more projects to load</div> : null}
  • Infinite queries are about changing a cursor and provide it to the fetch function. useInfiniteQuery returns data as an 2D array of all pages
[1, 2, 3], // data for page 1
[4, 5, 6], // data for page 2
[7, 8, 9], // data for page 3
  • set initialPageParam to give the fetcher a starting point, and use getNextPageParam to provide the next cursor. How you get the next cursor depends, but you get access to the all the current data in the getNextPageParam function.

  • fetchNextPage triggers the fetcher with the next cursor, when you call fetchNextPage is up to you, e.g., using a interaction observer

  • if getNextPageParam returns undefined or null. hasNextPage will be set to false and you can conditionally hide the trigger

  • infinite queries can be bidrectional (e.g. chat messages), getPreviousPageParam can be used to fetch the previous page. If the API does return a cursor, e.g., it’s built for pagination, we can create cursor ourselves

return useInfiniteQuery({
queryKey: ['projects'],
queryFn: fetchProjects,
initialPageParam: 0,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages, lastPageParam) => {
if (lastPage.length === 0) {
return undefined
return lastPageParam + 1
// firstPage is the current topmost page data
getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, allPages, firstPageParam) => {
if (firstPageParam <= 1) {
return undefined
return firstPageParam - 1
  • we use a single query key for all pages, this means that all pages are treated as a single cache entry and will be revalidated altogether. This can become a problem

    • the cache entry can become very large

    • when the query becomes stale and needs to be refetched, each group is fetched sequentially, starting from the first one. This is the only way to ensure we have the most up-to-date data for all pages.

Set maxPages to limit the amount of pages that are kept in the cache.

queryKey: ['projects'],
queryFn: fetchProjects,
initialPageParam: 0,
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, pages) => lastPage.nextCursor,
getPreviousPageParam: (firstPage, pages) => firstPage.prevCursor,
// only allow 5 pages to be kept in the cache
maxPages: 5,

Offline Support with networkMode

Both useQuery and useMutation have a networkMode option that has 3 values

  • networkMode = 'online': the default mode. This means that the query and mutation rely on the network to do stuff. If we go offline, the query and mutation goes into paused state automatically. A related note of this is that you should not use the isLoading (and should use isPending) to show a loading spinner, because isLoading=false when the query is paused.
const { status, fetchStatus } = useProjects()
// isLoading is derived from status and fetchStatus
const isLoading = status === 'pending' || fetchStatus === 'fetching'
// isLoading will be false when fetchStatus is 'paused'
if (isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>
  • networkMode = 'always': this mode means that your queries and mutations does not need network and access.

    queryKey: ['todos'],
    queryFn: () => Promise.resolve([{ id: 1, text: 'Do Laundry' }]),
    networkMode: 'always',
    • Queries will never be paused because you have no network connection.

    • Retries will also not pause - your Query will go to error state if it fails.

    • refetchOnReconnect defaults to false in this mode, because reconnecting to the network is not a good indicator anymore that stale queries should be refetched. You can still turn it on if you want.

  • networkMode = 'offlineFirst': the first request will always be made (possibly without network connection), and if that fails, retries will be paused. This mode is useful if you’re using an additional caching layer like the browser cache on top of React Query. For example, the Github API sets the browser cache as

cache-control: public, max-age=60, s-maxage=60

which means that for the next 60 seconds, if you request that resource again, the response will come from the browser cache.

In this case, we would want to activate react query even if we are offline, because chances are that the browser cache has the data we need. And if you have a cache miss, you’ll likely get a network error, after which React Query will pause the retries, which will put your query into the paused state. It’s the best of both worlds.

Offline Mutations

All things mentioned around networkMode apply to mutation equally. One additional thing to note is that we often invalidate the cache in the onSettled callback of a mutation.

onSettled: () => {
queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos']} )

When we go offline in the middle of a mutation, the mutation is paused, and onSettled will be invoked after we go back online again and the mutation is finished. In contrast, onMutate fires before the mutation function so that our optimistic updates in there can be seen regardless of the network status.

One problem is, if we have multiple ongoing mutations that are brought back after we go online. We will be running multiple invalidations, which might cause the UI to update multiple times. To avoid this, we can check of the number of ongoing mutations and only invalidate the cache if it’s the last one.

onSettled; () => {
if (queryClient.isMutating({ mutationKey: ["todos"] }) === 1) {
return queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['todos'] })


import { createSyncStoragePersister } from "@tanstack/query-sync-storage-persister";
import { defaultShouldDehydrateQuery, defaultShouldDehydrateMutation, QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { removeOldestQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query-persist-client";
import { useIsRestoring } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { PersistQueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query-persist-client";
const persister = createSyncStoragePersister({
storage: window.localStorage,
retry: removeOldestQuery,
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
gcTime: 1000 * 60 * 60,
queryClient.setMutationDefaults(["posts", "add"], {
mutationFn: addPost
function App() {
const isRestoring = useIsRestoring()
if (isRestoring) {
return <div>Restoring...</div>
return <PersistQueryClientProvider
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60,
dehydrateOptions: {
shouldDehydrateQuery: (query) =>
defaultShouldDehydrateQuery(query) && query.meta?.persist === true,
shouldDehydrateMutation: (mutation) => defaultShouldDehydrateMutation(mutation) && mutation.meta?.persist === true,
onSuccess: () => {
resume mutations
return queryClient.resumePausedMutations()
// later in components
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
meta: { persist: true },

Notes for the code above:

  • defaultShouldDehydrateQuery is a helper function that only persists successful queries and respects other react query’s default persist logic, the same as defaultShouldDehydrateMutation

  • set gcTime as equal or greater than maxAge to avoid queries being garbage collected and removed from the storage too early

  • mutations and their input can be saved to storage as well, we also set the default mutation function for the mutation key so that when restoring mutations by key, react query doesn’t need a look up for the mutation function

As an experimental feature, we can now set persist per query

import { experimental_createPersister } from "@tanstack/react-query-persist-client";
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
persister: experimental_createPersister({
storage: localStorage,
// ..other options

The default options for the persister are

prefix = 'tanstack-query',
maxAge = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
serialize = JSON.stringify,
deserialize = JSON.parse,

Using with SSR

An example of RSC streaming and prefetching data on the server (don’t await the prefetch)

export default async function Home() {
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
dehydrate: {
shouldDehydrateQuery: (query) => defaultShouldDehydrateQuery(query) && query.state.status === "pending",
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
staleTime: 1000 * 10
return <main>
<header />
<HydrationBoundary state={dehydrate(queryClient)}>
<Suspense fallback={<div>loading...</div>}>
<Todos />
function Todos() {
const todos = useSuspenseQuery({
queryKey: ['todos'],
queryFn: fetchTodos,
staleTime: 1000 * 10
return ...

With Next.js

With Remix