Building a WebSockets Server with Cloudflare Durable Objects

An example of how to use Cloudflare Durable Objects to implement a real-time chat application.

8 min read
Last modified: 11/26/2024

In my previous post of Introduction to Durable Objects , I covered the basics of using the storage API to persist state in Cloudflare Workers. In this post, we’ll explore another key API provided by Durable Objects: the WebSocket API, which enables us to easily create real-time, collaborative applications.

WebSockets Basics

Let’s first recap the general idea of WebSockets outside of Cloudflare. WebSockets are a standard protocol that maintains bidirectional, long-lasting connections between clients and servers. A server can send and receive messages from a client and vice versa. A simple WebSocket in node.js looks like this:

const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end('This is a WebSocket server\n');
server.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => {
// verify the upgrade header
if (req.headers['upgrade'] !== 'websocket') {
// establish the WebSocket connection
socket.write(responseHeaders.join('\r\n') + '\r\n\r\n');
// receive and send messages
socket.on('data', (buffer) => {
const message = buffer.toString('utf8');
console.log('Received:', message);
const response = `Server says: ${message}`;
socket.on('end', () => {
console.log('Client disconnected');
server.listen(8080, () => {});

Note that we need do a bit of housekeeping when establishing the WebSocket connection (highlighted in the code). We verify that we receive the correct request headers and respond with the appropriate headers. While the implementation details aren’t crucial here, it’s important to note that this health check is necessary for WebSocket connections and will be needed in the Workers runtime as well.

Once the connection is established, we can send messages to the client using socket.write(), and react to incoming messages using the socket.on('data') callback.

A client can connect to the server using the WebSocket constructor:

const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
console.log("Received message from server:",;
socket.onopen = () => {
socket.send('Hello from client');

WebSockets enables real-time multiplayer apps because the server can send messages to all connected clients through the long-lived connection. In the chat app we are building, we want to broadcast message from one client to all other connected users. This is only a couple of lines for the server:

const clients = []
server.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => {
// code to upgrade header
// ...
socket.on('data', (buffer) => {
clients.forEach((client) => {
if (client.readyState === client.OPEN) {
// handle client disconnecting
socket.on('end', () => {
const index = clients.indexOf(socket);
if (index !== -1) {
clients.splice(index, 1);

The key here is that we keep track of all connections in an array. When a message arrives, we loop through the array and send the message to each connected client.

WebSockets Server on Durable Objects

While the Edge Platform on which Durable Objects run offers a subset of Node.js APIs, the process is quite similar. We use DO instances to model a chat room or a game match. Workers send requests to the DO instance (the server), which then broadcasts messages to all other connected clients.

Let’s explore how we can migrate the Node.js example to the Edge using Durable Objects and Workers. Our goal is to build a chat app with multiple rooms. Users can send messages that are broadcast to all other users in the same room, with messages persisted and isolated at the room level. Browse the finished version here and code on Github.

screenshot of the finished chat
screenshot of the finished chat app

Let’s begin by scaffolding an empty worker project using Hono:

pnpm create cloudflare --framework=hono

Update or create the following files in the src directory:

import { Hono } from "hono";
const app = new Hono<{ Bindings: Env }>();
app.get("/rooms/:name/ws", async (c) => {
const upgrade = c.req.header("Upgrade");
if (!upgrade || upgrade !== "websocket") {
health check
return c.text("Upgrade header must be websocket", 426);
const name = c.req.param("name");
const id = c.env.ROOM.idFromName(name);
const stub = c.env.ROOM.get(id);
return stub.fetch(c.req.raw);
export * from "./room"

Let’s break this down:

Derive DO from Route

app.get("/rooms/:name/ws", handler) defines a handler that will be called when a GET request is sent to /rooms/<name>/ws, where <name> dynamic route parameter. We derive the DO instance ID from the name and pass on the request.

Accept Connection

WebSocketPair() returns an object containing two sockets:

0: socket,
1: socket,

where the first is the client socket and second the server socket. We can then call this.ctx.acceptWebSocket(server) to upgrade the connection and also returns the client socket in the response. This is equivalent to returning the convoluted response header in the Node.js example.

Note that WebSocketPair is a Cloudflare Workers runtime only API, and is not available in standard Node.js.

Handle Message Events

webSocketMessage and webSocketClose are conventional methods for handling message events, and will be automatically invoked when a message from client is received, or the client disconnects.

WebSockets Hibernation

Despite some syntax differences, what we’ve built so far is essentially the same as the Node.js example. However, we should consider an optimization known as WebSocket Hibernation.

According to the docs, this is a feature that allows a DO to be removed from memory (it “hibernates”) when it’s inactive (e.g. not in the process of executing webSocketMessage()) while keeping its WebSockets connected. This reduces duration charges that would otherwise be incurred during periods of inactivity.

Even better, ctx.acceptWebSocket() already sets up hibernation for us. If you establish a connection this way, the DO instance will be automatically put into hibernation when it’s inactive.

It seems we can move forward with our chat app without any extra work to accommodate hibernation. Let’s continue by working on our session handling logic. Here’s the flow of how a user joins a chat room and sends a message:

  1. User enters a room and requests a WebSockets connection via new WebSocket() to our server.

  2. When the connection is established, we request that the user immediately send us a message of type "join" with their username, which is used to identify the user in the chat room. After the server finished processing the join event, it will broadcast to all other users in the room that a new user has joined.

  3. The user can now broadcast messages to other users in the room.

Based on these requirements, it is clear that we need to store all live connections. We can model this with a Map, where the key is the established socket, and the value is an object containing the registered username.

type Session = {
name?: string;
export class Room extends DurableObject<Env> {
private storage: DurableObjectStorage;
private sessions: Map<WebSocket, Session>;
store connected sessions
constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
this.sessions = new Map();
async fetch(request: Request) {
// accept socket ...
await this.handleSession(server);
// return response with client socket ...
async handleSession(ws: WebSocket) {
const newSession: Session = { name: undefined };
register a new session whose username is unset
this.sessions.set(ws, newSession);
async webSocketMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: string | ArrayBuffer) {
const session = this.sessions.get(ws);
if (!session) {
ws.close(1011, "Session not found");
const payload = JSON.parse(message as string) as any;
if (payload.type === "join") {
handle join message =;
this.broadcast(`${} joined the room | ${payload.timestamp}`);
} else if (payload.type === "message") {
handle general chat message
`${}: ${payload.message} | ${payload.timestamp}`
async webSocketClose(ws: WebSocket, code?: number, reason?: string) {
ws.close(code || 1000, reason || "durable object closed websocket");
private broadcast(message: any) {
broadcast message to all connected users
this.sessions.forEach((session, ws) => {
if ( {

We assume that incoming messages are JSON strings with a specific structure. For joining events, the structure is:

"type": "join",
"name": "username",
"timestamp": 1715728800

For chat events:

"type": "message",
"message": "hello",
"timestamp": 1715728800

The code is becoming a bit lengthy, but the core logic is simply mutating this.sessions in reaction to user join and leave events. When a chat message is received, we loop through this.sessions and send it to other clients.

However, there’s one caveat: any instance properties are reset when the instance wakes up from hibernation. This means that this.sessions will be become an empty map and we lose track of all usernames. We also can’t use the storage API to store usernames, as they need to be tied to their respective sockets, which are not serializable. Luckily there are other APIs that can help use restore the state:

  • ws.serializeAttachment(value) keeps an arbitrary value in memory to survive hibernation.

  • ws.deserializeAttachment() retrieves the last serialized value.

  • this.ctx.getWebSockets() returns all WebSocket connections. This is not affected by hibernation and will always return the latest list of server sockets.

With these tools, we can serialize the session data in advance, and prepare for hibernation by always reconstructing this.sessions in the constructor.

constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
// ...
this.sessions = new Map();
this.ctx.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
this.ctx.getWebSockets().forEach((websocket) => {
this.sessions.set(websocket, {
restore session data
// ...
async handleSession(ws: WebSocket) {
const newSession: Session = { name: undefined };
// it's not necessary to serialize here because session data doesn't contain anything yet, but your app could be more complex and do have some state that needs to be saved.
this.sessions.set(ws, newSession);
async webSocketMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: string | ArrayBuffer) {
// ...
if (payload.type === "join") { =;
serialize session data to prepare for hibernation,
// ...

The first time the DO is created, nothing is different in the constructor because we haven’t serialized anything yet. But when a user joins the chat, we put the updated session data in memory to survive hibernation. When the DO wakes up, the constructor is called it will be populate all sessions with the latest data.

Displaying Previous Messages

A final requirement is that when a user connects, they should see a list of all previous messages in the room. How we store the messages can vary. It could be an external database accessed via a RESTful API. But since we are using durable objects already, we can simply use the storage API.

One gotcha is that we want to only display historical messages when the user is registered with a username. For this we will add another field to Session called blockedMessages.

type Session = {
name?: string;
blockedMessages: string[];

Think blockedMessages as a queue that will be populated upon connection, we will dequeue the messages when the user is registered.

Let’s refactor the relevant handlers to the following:

constructor(ctx: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
// ...
this.ctx.blockConcurrencyWhile(async () => {
this.ctx.getWebSockets().forEach((websocket) => {
this.sessions.set(websocket, {
blockedMessages: [],
// ...
async handleSession(server: WebSocket, ip: string) {
const newSession: Session = {
name: undefined,
blockedMessages: [],
this.sessions.set(server, session);
const historyMessages = await{
retrieve previous messages
reverse: true,
limit: 100,
const backlog = [...historyMessages.values()];
backlog.forEach((message) => {
enqueue previous messages
async webSocketMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: string | ArrayBuffer) {
// ...
const payload = JSON.parse(message as string) as any;
if (payload.type === "join") { =;
session.blockedMessages.forEach((message) => {
dequeue previous messages when username is received
session.blockedMessages = [];
this.broadcast(`${} joined the room | ${payload.timestamp}`);
if (payload.type === "chat") {
if (! {
ws.close(1011, "Session without name");
`${}: ${payload.message} | ${payload.timestamp}`
const key = new Date(payload.timestamp).toISOString();
await, JSON.stringify(data));
store chat message

You may also want to set up an alarm handler to clean up historical messages periodically.

This wraps up our chat application. The complete code is available on Github with two additional features: a rate limiter and enhanced message types. A demo is available at