Developing htmlwidgets in R with TypeScript and Esbuild

Frontend tools that add type safety and speed to htmlwidgets development.

6 min read
Last modified: 11/26/2024

This post assumes familiarity R package development, JavaScript and Node.js. I recommend the second chapter of JavaScript for R as a starter.

The htmlwidgets R package provides a friendly interface for developing R packages that wraps JavaScript libraries. An htmlwidget is nothing more than a normal R plot plus interactivity powered by JavaScript. The package abstracts away many of the details of juggling with both JavaScript and R, most notable of which being dependency management.

An example from the JavaScript for R book shows the development of the gior package, which corresponds to the gio.js JavaScript library. The inst/htmlwidgets directory contains necessary dependencies required by gio.js. This file is the entry point of creating the widget. It depends on JavaScript libraries including gio.js, three.js, HTMLWidgets and Shiny. We don’t need to worry about including HTMLWidgets or Shiny ourselves, since R will do it for us.

For the first two dependencies, we can download it from CDN and include it in the inst/htmlwidgets/lib directory. Lastly, we include a file gior.yaml to declare locations of the dependencies that looks like:

- name: three
version: 97
src: htmlwidgets/lib/three
script: three.min.js
- name: gio
version: 2.0
src: htmlwidgets/lib/gio-2.0
script: gio.min.js

Now, whenever we create a widget from R, the rendering context will automatically serve all the javascript files. This workflow is convenient for developing pacakges that does not require much work on the JavaScript side, all we need to do is calling some initialization functions in gior.js. However, if more work on the javascript side is involved, more than just passing a few lines of options, this setup is not sufficient. Since javascript dependencies are managed from R and never decalred in gior.js, we won’t be getting all the nice features a modern text editor can provide, such as autocompletion, snippets, linking and intellisense. Moreover, when our package gets larger we might want to split the javascript code into separate modules rather than cluttering the gior.js file, and it’s not so fun to do bundling ourselves.

For this reason, it makes sense to have more control over how javascript dependencies are managed, rather than just downloding and including a dist file. The end result is still the same, we need to include one or several javascript files for the plot. It’s just we will not be using files already provided by cdn, but to download the javascript package and do the bundling ourselves. The packer package provides an solution to this.

The packer Package

In the JavaScript world, dependency management is done through node and a package manager of choice, like npm, yarn or pnpm. These package managers call be used to create a project-specific environment into which various packages will be insalled. Then, we would use a bundler like webpack to extract all files into a single file, which is served every time a widget is created from R. packer can be used to scaffold a project structure for this need, and provides an R interface so that we can still do all the work through R commands. The following two commands scaffold an htmlwidgets package powered by packer:


The project directory tree is generated as

├── R
│ ├── <widget-name>.R
├── inst
│ └── packer
├── node_modules
│ └── ...
├── package.json
├── srcjs
│ ├── config
│ ├── inputs
│ └── index.js
├── webpack.common.js

A node_modules folder is created for storing javascript dependencies. Note that we are managing javascript dependencies ourselves now, and we can install them with packer::yarn_install from R or simply yarn add from the command line.

The three files started with webpack are webpack configurations for bundling. The webpack.common.js file stores shared options for both development and production. The is used for development, and the is used for production. There are 3 most important webpack options for our purposes, which packer sets in the srcjs/config directory.

  • output will determine the dist file name and location, this should be named <widget-name>.js in the inst/htmlwidgets directory so that R knows to include it.

  • entryPoints determines the starting point of the bundling process. This can be set to any top-level file that imports other dependencies that calls HTMLWidgets.widget(). packer use the convention of srcjs/widgets/<widget-name>.js as the entry point.

  • externals declares the dependencies that we don’t need webpack to resolve. This includes Shiny and HTMLWidgets which is outside of the node_modules folder and added by R. If we don’t declare them webpack will be report an error as it can’t find them.

Besides, there is also a loaders option that tells webpack how to preprocess each file type. If we are developing a regular javascript website, this will include different preprocessors for javascript, css, scss, etc. Though in the context of htmlwidgets it’s all setup by packer.

Now, if we run packer::bundle_dev(), it will invoke npm run development specified in the scripts section in package.json, which then runs webpack with development configurations. webpack will include all necessary files and bundle them into a inst/htmlwidgets. Anytime we make a change to the srcjs directory, we need to run packer::bundle_dev() to update the dist file.

This time, since our project follows standard javascript project structure with package.json and node_modules. When we are writing JavaScript code, our text editor will be able to resolve them and provide intellisense. And we can have arbitrary code structure to to better organize our code, as long as it is imported by the entry file.

Using TypeScript and esbuild

packer produces decent boilderplate if you are happy with simple JavaScript libraries and webpack. However, if you need to include TypeScript, Sass or frameworks like React and Svelte, webpack configurations can be notoriously time-consuming. Although packer also provides templates for the JavaScript version of React and Vue, but they still require a handful of customization in my opinion. Further, webpack is sometimes considered outdated with bigger bundle size and slow bundling speed.

So if you are like me who goes out of his way to have an as “optimized” package as possible, it may be better off to have a personal setup similar to packer with optimized replacements. In essence it’s just a matter of producing a dist file in the inst/htmlwidgets/ directory that guarantees the best development experience, and I will share one combo I find most comfortable. TypeScript is used to replace javascript for static typing, and esbuild to replace webpack with hundreds times faster performance , simpler configurations, and native support for TypeScript.

During my recent development of the xkcd htmlwidgets package, I migrate a packer-generated setup to one with TypeScript and esbuild.

The first thing is to remove webpack related dependencies in package.json and run yarn update. Then we can install TypeScript, esbuild and whatever JavaScript library you want to work with

yarn add -D typescript esbuild @types/node
yarn add <target-package>

We can also remove all the webpack configurations in srcjs/config and webpack.*.js files in the root directory.

At this point, our package.json file should look like this

"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^17.0.12",
"esbuild": "^0.14.14",
"typescript": "^4.5.5"
"dependencies": {
"chart.xkcd": "^1.1.13" // here goes all js dependencies

Next, let’s create our entry point file, I like to name it index.ts under the srcts directory:

import * as chartXkcd from "chart.xkcd";
name: "xkcd",
type: "output",
factory: function (el: HTMLElement, width: number, height: number) {
// TODO: define shared variables for this instance
return {
renderValue: function (x: any) {
plotting logic
resize: function (width: number, height: number) {
resize logic when screen size changes

Now, let’s configure esbuild to meet the requirments of htmlwidgets. Since esbuild does not have a configuration file that will be automatically pick up when invoked from the command line, we’ll create a normal esbuild.js file in the root directory and then run it through node.

const esbuild = require("esbuild");
const path = require("path");
entryPoints: [path.join(__dirname, "srcts/index.ts")],
bundle: true,
outfile: path.join(__dirname, "inst/htmlwidgets/xkcd.js"),
platform: "node",
format: "cjs",
external: ["Shiny", "HTMLWidgets"],
watch: {
onRebuild(error, result) {
if (error) console.error("watch build failed:", error);
else console.log("watch build succeeded:", result);
.catch((err) => {

Note that esbuild share similar configurations with webpack, we are again declaring entry file (entryPoints), where the bundled file should go (outfile), and external dependencies (external). The last step is adding a command that invokes this script and do the bundling:

"scripts": {
"watch": "node esbuild.js"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^17.0.12",
"esbuild": "^0.14.14",
"typescript": "^4.5.5"
"dependencies": {
"chart.xkcd": "^1.1.13"

Now, run yarn watch from the command line to use build script esbuild.js, esbuild starts with the message:

yarn watch
#> yarn run v1.22.17
#> $ node esbuild.js
#> watch build succeeded: { errors: [], warnings: [], stop: [Function: stop] }

This will create the <widget-name>.js dist file under inst/htmlwidgets/. Because we set watch in esbuild.js, esbuild will watch for changes in the entry file and related modules and rebuild the bundle whenever it changes. This means if we are making only making a change on the JavaScript side, the widget should update automatically next time it’s created. So there is no similar need to call packer::bundle_dev() again.

With this setup, it’s easy to include any additional libraries you like to use. For example, if you want to include tailwindcss in your widget, you can simply yarn add tailwind and look up the corresponding tailwind-esbuild configuration.